20th September 2023 | Business

Did you know a registered trademark can grow your business by 13% ?
What is a Trademark?
A trade mark is a legal way to protect your business’s unique brand, products, or services. A trade mark is a type of property known as intellectual property or IP. A registered trademark gives you legal protection over a part of your brand so you can take action to stop others from using it. For example, your business or company name or a slogan. It’s used to distinguish your goods or services from your competitors. Trademarks can be registered with government agencies, but they can also gain some protection through common law usage and recognition.
What can I trademark?
- Logo, Pictures or shape
- Word, phrase, letter or number
- Sound or smell
- Movement
- Feature of your packaging
It’s important to protect these creations as they can have commercial value for your business.
How to protect your intellectual property?
- Trade mark
- Patents
- Design rights
- Domain name
- Copyright
Registering a trademark can give you exclusive rights to:
- Use the trademark across the Commonwealth of Australia
- Use the trademark for commercial purposes
- Assign, transfer or sell the rights to the trademark to another business.
- Protect the trademark if others try to use it.
How to register a trademark?
It is free to check a trademark, click here
TM Checker: Free trade mark availability check (ipaustralia.gov.au)
You can register online at Trade Marks | IP Australia
Steps to register a trademark;
Step 1. Create an account online and apply. Login – IP Australia
Step 2. Your application will be examined.
Step 3. Accepted eligible applications will be advertised on the Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks and the Australian Tarde Mark Search for two months.
Step 4. If no one contests your application, it will then be registered.
The cost for registering a trademark is a minimum of $250. Fees can vary depending on how many classes of goods and services are listed in your application. The application process can take at least seven months if registered in Australia.
If you would like assistance with your Trademark application, please contact info@Ax3.com.au
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